Greetings to all,
I had more than usual favorable responses to last month's blog about persuasion. One asked was my material original or adapted from other sources. I would have to say that most of my material is adapted from other sources, using my own personal "take" on it. There is very little truly original material out there that hasn't been expressed in some place or time. The material for that blog came mostly from a recent book by Dr. Michael Hall about persuasion. IMPORTANT MENTAL CONCEPTS, REVIEW As those that read this blog know, I am a great believer in repetition. Hypnosis is primarily self-hypnosis and repetition is the best way to convince the subconscious to do what you want. Emotions (negative) are just a signal that where you are is not where you want to be. You have emotions, but you are not those emotions. You are much more than your emotions, your thoughts, behaviors, etc. One of the most troublesome problems that I see are patients that personalize their negative emotions – that is, they associate these emotions with self. This comes from the very common belief that emotions are an infallible source of reality and that if an emotion caused it, it must be real and the feeling acted upon. This is not true, for most of the negative emotions (feelings) are products of "what ifs" which are fabrications of the mind. Negative criticisms Many of the patients I see tend to take criticisms and judging too personally. They are usually sensitive to these because of diminished self-esteem. I tell them that words cannot hurt you (sometimes a tough sell). The truth often is the criticizers are generally responding to their own personal hurts and failures. Happiness A few comments on happiness. There is a very broad range for what one thinks represents happiness. However there is a tendency to dwell on short-term, fleeting occurrences and events that soon disappear, only to be replaced by similar events. The pursuit of happiness is not the same as being happy. Happiness is more about living a meaningful life. Ask yourself what and why you're going to do with your life. Does it have meaning? Happiness [and self-worth] is also frequently represented by one's possessions or standing or associations. Although some happiness can be created through possessions, etc., true happiness does not come from them, it comes more from a quality of the mind that purses positive thoughts and real meaning. It's not about what you have, where you are or what you're doing that makes you happy or unhappy it is how you think about it all. THOUGHTS FOR TODAY Life is made up through and with choices. If you choose to be miserable you will find reasons to be miserable. Too many people are skilled in making themselves miserable. Whether you say "I can" or" I can't", you are usually right. Worrying is a waste of time and energy. It changes nothing and focuses you on negatives. Do not let fear tell you who you are and what you must do. You don't have answers or respond to any negative emotion, thought or fear. Fear can only threaten, it cannot act. Anything that makes you negative owns you. Your own mind is scaring you, the feel is real, but the why is a lie. Choose can, will, wish and get to over must, ought, got to, can't and won't. As always, comments and questions appreciated. In the now, IBP Comments are closed.
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